Thursday, 14 August 2014

Summertime is the right time

Summer is a wonderful word. When you say it warmth immediately surrounds your soul and gives good vibes. I have enjoyed sharing the word summer this, well summer as we have enjoyed many glorious sunshine, heat, and relative mosquito-less days.
Everyone looks forward to summer
I don't know why but I have been spending most of the summer doing the left-right-repeat on the paths of downtown Calgary. I suppose the lack of enthusiasm for typing a blog post and thus using the default most Saturdays is my primary reason. But I really wanted to check out the trails of Kananaskis and because of that I need to type.

So type I will and produce an instruction to the group of trotting the trails of Prairie View and Barrier Lake for a short-ish 14 km loop up and down a mountain. Now doesn't that sound reasonable? Let's meet at the Edworthy Park parking lot at Parkdale Blvd. and Shaganappi Trail for 8 am so we can car-pool and depart forthwith. If you miss the meet, see you at the Barrier Lake parking lot for a 9 am trot around and up the hill.

I was reading one of my favourite reads, a blog by a fellow ultra runner about what makes us so crazy. I read one of the proofs which was "We think beer is a post run recovery drink". I tend to agree. When you combine a summer like this current one and beer things can get a 'little' dehydrating.
Death Race finish line photo. 125km and one Canadian = satisfaction
Burn by Elbow River tubing
I thought I would give a shout out to an emerging artist who I hope to one day own a piece of her work. I saw her pieces at the ACAD Art Show and Sale in the spring. She is having a show this Sunday and I do hope to see and support her work. Will you join me?


Hope you have been having a great summer! For me it has been one of the busiest and best summers ever. In addition to the many exciting exhibitions I was involved with in May, June and July, I just got back from a special assignment in Québec City where 14 of my paintings are exhibited at Le Graffiti. What an amazing experience!

For those interested, I have one more exhibit sale before I move to Laguna Beach, California for school this September: my 4th annual show at the Valley Ridge Golf Club ( on Sunday, August 17th. Show time is 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM, with a special artist reception from noon to 4:00 PM, when free wine and appetizers will be served.

A big thank-you to all of you for your continued support and encouragement. I hope to see you all at the Valley Ridge Golf Club next Sunday!

Wishing you a great week!

Alexandra Tremblay (Sala)