Well Hello and Happy Thursday! It is a wonderful and sunny Sneak a peek day. I have the pleasure of starting my Stampede today as we form up the Corporate Floats. I have been a volunteer with the parade since the 80's, now in my 23rd year, and this year got promoted (still no wage increase for volunteers) to the Corp. Float portfolio. I look forward to the flowers, the people, and of course all the horse poop that comes with the Greatest Show on Earth. Giddy up!
Jen, Peter, Jamie, Carolyn, Tamara, and me enjoying the falls |
It has been a hard days night of activity these last few days. We had a great group trot in Fish Creek last Saturday, Joy and me met the penguins for the first time Sunday, Monday six of us conquered the mountain above Barrier Lake, Tuesday Joy again beat me up with TRX, and finally last night Jamie, Paula, Christine, and me Danced with Dirt once again on the west end of Fish Creek. Jamie unfortunately disturbed a horse fly and was bit on the arm. Apparently that wasn't enough for the bugger (pun intended) as I have a welt on my leg to prove its' hunger for more flesh. I hope it dies from gluttony!
The view from the top of Barrier Lookout. Thanks Jamie for the pics! |
So this week there will be many distractions to prevent our group from grouping. Tonight I may not be around due to the parade prep. We shall see though...Saturday there will be many distractions to our usual paths so lets head to the NW and run from Edworthy Park, Shaganappi Trail side. We can either run downtown to have a pancake breakfast at the turn or avoid it all together and head further NW and do a loop of B&G or Bow Crescent. Do you know what B&G is short for??? See you there at 8 am.
The following week Christine, Dave, Joy, and I will be off to Portland to enjoy the Fueled by Fine Wine Half Marathon. Dave is bummed as the wine will not be flowing freely at the 7 am start time. Joy will take care of it though...she is a trooper! Since I will not be around the second weekend of Stampede we will default to Eau Claire and a usual 8 am trot. We are back the following Wednesday so no Tuesday TRX or trot for me. Lauren and the Tech Shop gang will take good care of you though.
Jen shared with me a local story that relates to barefoot running. While I firmly believe that it has benefits in the longer term for stability and durability of our feet, a friend has produced some interesting research on the subject. I am interested in his thoughts as he helps to create many of the shoes that we wear today. Not sure if there is a conflict with a shoe researcher discounting barefoot ideas, but none the less I trust his findings, if only because he shares the fascination with a good tie...
Dr. Reed Ferber in Avenue Magazine. Beautiful! |
"fMRI research: running doesn't result in greater activation of foot intrinsic muscles vs. running shod. - Dr Reed Ferber, U of C Running Injury Clinic"
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