Thursday 17 January 2013

Can you feel the wind?

You have to love a Calgary winter. Last Thursday Peter and I braved a blizzard of snow and wind to trot around Elbow Park. slip-sliding our way we had a glorious trot. What a difference a week makes. The wind is still there but the temperature has improved by 20 degrees and the snow is becoming a forgotten memory. Okay, a bit of a stretch there but you must admit that a week makes a big difference in the weather around our lovely city. My apologies to my lovely bride Joy as these weather fluctuations kill her...

For those that are fine with the wind blowing so hard, I would be honoured to trot with you Saturday at 9 am from the Eau Claire YMCA. With the freeze melt I want to keep us to paths that are less susceptible to glazing. See you Saturday!

As we train for our next event (or the first one for that matter) We get the pleasure of discovery about who we are and what we can really do if we set our feet in motion. We are in the dark days of training. Cold, poor footing, windy, dark, and cold again. I do think back to 2006 when one of my training buddies for the Disney Marathon had to do all her training NWT. Think -50C for a four hour training day! I guess we weren't so bad off afterall.

In the next couple of months Peter above will be off to Kyoto, Japan for his first (was I drunk when I thought this?) marathon. Perhaps Saki was on his breath? A group of my virtual friends are off to the Bahamas in only a few weeks; Brandi, Brenda, and Kelly will be cruising the island and hopefully enjoying the scenery. The above mentioned Peter and Tamara have signed up for the Frozen Ass 50, a race created by my good friend Gord Hobbins. Did they not realize that the two things they dislike (cold and distance) are both part of this event??? And finally I will have the privilege of touring the streets of Rome with Ashley, Jenny, Melanie, Rhonda, and Stephanie.

Perhaps I can steal an idea from my buddy Dave and get the Pope involved? I hear he drinks wine too? The Marathon du Medoc is a truly blessed event!

Was he really a leftie?
What are you thinking of doing this year? Zoong is doing her first half. Will you be joining her on the journey?

See you on the trails

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