Friday, 26 April 2013

Volunteering can be hazardous to your health

And I see Willie and Jodi and Carroll and Carol and Liz and Neil and Peter
Did I mention Coco Chanel and Merlin were the short ones?
Hello and happy Friday. Gloriously bright sunny day in Calgary with a hint of spring in the air. It must be spring as the street sweepers are dusting up a storm on the main roads. Perhaps by May we might see the start of April showers as I think we haven't seen any yet. What do May showers bring?

The photo above is from a trot two weeks ago that I advertised as one of the best city and mountain views in Calgary. As you can see I was foggingly wrong! All was happy in the state of Denmark and the dust on Carol's knee luckily did not leave a mark - after washing.
Who says I don't know the shortcuts?
My volunteering at the Calgary Stampede has allowed me to be a part of the biggest outdoor show on earth for over 20 years. My dad got me started in 1989 after the Olympics. Standing on a street corner in the east village (then it was just deserted buildings) I watched the crowds watch the parade as it started up the strip for the 2.5 mile meander through downtown.

I also got to watch families grow up, as year after year the same families would line the streets with kids in tow. I recall Sue and Carol Corkey, as St. Francis High School fellow alumni and parents, they would faithfully plop their lawn chairs every year until the kids became too old and 'cool' to watch the annual event. Am I uncool for still enjoying it on this 44th birthday year?

Why do I ramble about the parade and volunteering? Well if you must ask:

Jamie is a fellow SAIT employee who last year only ate free Stampede food for the entire ten days.

The Midway department seeks volunteer food judges (or the very best fair foodie opportunity you never knew existed)

Title: Volunteer Food Judge

Position Summary: Seeking adventurous, experienced-in-food-eating individuals to journey deep into the gastronomic landscape of Stampede Park during this year’s 10-day Stampede, July 5-14. Like culinary Lewis and Clark, these individuals should be willing to venture into the unknown, try anything (yes anything ) and then report back to the world faithfully on what they have seen, smelled and tasted—from the classics to the brand new, the dangerous to the irresistible. When you hear the words double-deep-fried-bacon-wrapped-corn-dog , do you think calories ? Or at long last! The food gods have answered my prayers! ? If you answered the latter, this job is for you!

Responsibilities in this role include, but are not limited to:

• Tour and taste the food vendors of Stampede Park.
• Rate and judge these foods in the following categories: Best Food On a Stick, Best Value, Best Healthy Choice, International Favourites, Best Deep Fried Food, Best Sweet Treat, Best Food Between Buns, Best Food Under $2, Best Classic Fair Food and Best Beverage.
• Live blog, Tweet (#omnomnom) and Instagram your thoughts and discoveries.

Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have/be:

• A discerning palate.
• A knack for describing food (‘delicious’ and ‘tasty’ ain’t gonna cut it folks.)
• A proven Social Media junkie, addicted to shares, hashtags, filters and likes.
• An adventurous spirit.
• A long, storied history with food.
• An omnivore. You will be consuming meat, lactose, gluten and all else.
• The ability and desire to expose the good, the bad and the criminal-but-delicious.
• And, most importantly, will love to eat, (like, in a spiritual way.)

To apply: submit your food resume by Friday, May 3. Your food resume can be anything—the more creative, the better! All media will be accepted: audio, video, power point, performance art, etc. Four Stampede employees and four Stampede volunteers will be selected. You can e-mail or snail-mail your application to James Radke in the Midway department. Please call James at 403.261.0251 (local 3251) if you have any questions.
The Golden Arches are where the runs always start!
Oh hey, if you need to burn off those calories before you do the ten days of gluttony, join us at McDonald's in Glenmore Landing for our Saturday trot around the reservoir, or just a nice walk! Joy will be doing the latter, I will be dancing with dirt and the former. See you at 9 am!
Another good April Clay in May event. This sounds quite interesting and I wonder who will take that Saturday as a wonderful learning experience? April is volunteering at the event - don't we have great volunteers? - her words:

I will be volunteering so I will look forward to seeing some of you there.  If you don’t know about TED, please check out and see the world’s best ideas being shared…for free.  This TEDxCalgary event is a not to be missed inspiring event.  Please spread the word and start your registration process today! (see link below)  Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Cheers, April
Mental skills for sport and life
TEDxCalgary's Energy: Full Spectrum event will be an exploration across disciplines and frontiers, bringing together speakers and participants to jointly explore how we as humans have understood and harnessed the energy systems of our natural world, our societies, our bodies, and our minds. From technology that changes possibilities, through entertainment that stimulates our thinking, to design that sets a pattern for future generations, we'll cover the full spectrum.
Sadie is watching for your arrival at base camp!
Last year you might recall that Joy, Sadie and I ventured up the Banff to Jasper highway and did the Mount Robson Marathon. It was a very memorable trot up the highest peak in the provinces. I would strongly support anyone who thinks this would be on their to-do list and encourage you to sign up starting May 1 at 10 am PDT. 

It is also the 100th anniversary of the park so there should be some great happenings there this year. Let me know if you need more info.

Have a great week and play safe.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

It's not supposed to end that way

Years of sweat are not supposed to end that way. Years of waking at the crack of dawn, shoe purchase after shoe purchase, check-backs, high-fives, blisters, chafing, and bloody nipples are not supposed to result in that finish line. Tears do happen at the finish line, pain is inevitable at the finish line, but nobody should have to suffer. It was a sad day for us trotters on Monday. One of our pure joys of putting on our shoes and doing the left-right repeat for hours on end to hit that finish line with hands held high in the air in sweet victory was interrupted by a non-trotter who just doesn't understand.

This act did affect some of our friends who didn't get the opportunity to finish on Monday, but it will not affect their resolve to cross that line again. We athletes are a resilient bunch who don't take kindly to being told we can't. We can, we will, and we will raise our hands once again! Just try to stop us!!!

 Saturday one of our SAIT Cross Country runners has created a run in honour of those affected by Monday. His words:  In wake of the events that have transpired in Boston, we need to remain strong as a community to show our support for those who are affected. The idea is to get as many people out for a run on Saturday April 20th at 11am in Edworthy Park. It doesn't matter if you run 1km or 40km's, a run is a run and the whole idea behind this event is to show support for those who were effected on this day by being one as a running community. Invite as many people as you can and I hope to see a whole bunch of people on the pathway Saturday. 4501 Montgomery View NW, Calgary Alberta is the address for Angel's and that is where the start point is.

I would like to propose to our group that we trot from Shouldice Pool Saturday at 9 am which will allow those of us that want to do this as well the opportunity to stroll over and participate in the 11 am second trot. See you at Shouldice Pool for 9 am!

I have had the pleasure of doing Boston twice, once in 2000 and again in 2004. I had two memorable occasions with some great people. It is hard to believe it has been nine years since I was last there. The opportunity to train and then win the opportunity to do this race is something I will never forget. I have had some great influence-rs that have helped me gain the pace and the experience to qualify for this event. 

We have all seen the negative images this week of Boston, so I thought I would share some of the good. They are some of my fondest memories that I relish to this day...

Our running pal and Boston tour guide Ed, Maggie, Rochelle, Bill, me,  Dave and Jill
check out where everyone knows our name

adidas always had great motivational signage
Runners, yeah we're different

Better to have loved 26.2 miles of asphalt than to have never loved at all.
When one finds another with the right shoes, one must stop to share in  fashions' greatest sense.
At least they matched my hat!

Imagine a million of these peeps along the route!
"Legendary Hill seeks runners with nose-to-the-grindstone-stick-to-it-ness, legs of steel a plus."
Yep, Heartbreak Hill has claimed the best trotters over time.

What we were lucky to achieve

My horrible photography of Maggie and Bill at the finish line!
Bill and Maggie after crossing the line in 2000
The volunteers are what it all about. Remember that volunteers are how we are able to achieve these  memorable finish lines. Get out there and be THAT smile for someone else.

The best way to cure athletes foot

Johnny Kelley in 2000. He did the race 61 times winning twice
Another adidas poster in honour of Johnny

Friday, 12 April 2013

You've been voluntold!

Happy Friday from the best view of downtown Calgary. Sometimes it can be tough to motivate yourself when you see our deep blue sky combined with a ray of sunshine. Add the smell of spring and you have a glorious day, even with a touch of winters' chill.
What is your office view?
Speaking of great views of downtown, let's meet for our Saturday rendezvous at Max Bell Arena, located at Memorial Drive and Barlow Trail NE. You can't miss it. It has to be the brightest arena around, clad in red and white bold bricks. I think I own the shirt! See you at 9 am. Still not bending for eight, unless someone wants to convince me???
It is coming hard and fast. You can feel it under your feet. You can see preparation on the paths. You can hear the creaking bones of the long winters lag in training. You can smell the sweat of hard work. And perhaps you have touched the keyboard to accept the need - It is for the trotting season. Yes, we all have our favourite events that we must do, Winterstart, Mother's Day, Police Half, Calgary Marathon, etc. We would do them all but our body refuses to be beat that way (well, except for Greg who does 52 events a year minimum), and our pocketbook probably can't afford the travel. I have a great way that you can do many more events a year - volunteer!

Every race we do is staffed by hundreds like minded people who pass you water, spread Vaseline on your wounds, who hand you the medal around your neck, who make sure you know where you should go. Races require manpower to support their movements of trotters and ensure safety is part of your experience. I have a rule for us: you need to volunteer at least one event for every two that you do. That is many weekends of dedication but the need is important. If no-one shows up to volunteer your favourite event, it will not happen!  Can you imagine a Winterstart without the free beer hander-outer? How about Mother's Day without the Rose for the moms person? How could you finish a marathon without the water person at 36 km? And what about the pace car driver???

Ally, this is your ride!
We are in need of volunteers for the first big three events of 2013. The Calgary Police 1/2 marathon, Mother's Day, and the Calgary Marathon. Have you ever wanted to do your fastest 10 km ever? I do need a pace car driver for the Calgary Marathon 10 km! Ally is driving the half and she has a sweet ride!


I haven't done any of these events since 2006 as I do believe that volunteering is way more fun than the sweat! Perhaps this might be the cause of the extra 30 pounds since then...
And finally...

Have a great weekend. 


Friday, 5 April 2013

John, Jon Jon, and not John

A happy Friday to you all! I can really feel that our training days will soon be expanding to different routes, terrain and time. I feel like 8 am might be coming soon! But not this week. I would enjoy having you all join us for a trot in beautiful Bowness Park with a 9 am start tomorrow. Will we see you there?
We saw our friend Jon B. as he left the comfortable confines of the Caymans for a trip to Calgary and a wedding. We haven't seen him around these parts since 2004 so it has been a while. Thanks to Willie and Carroll for helping with a quickie reunion of our Flanders Fields Marathon team of 2003.

Jon, John, and not not John but rather Willie.
The race in Ypres was the first for Jon, Willie, Ally, and Carroll among many others that joined us on that trip. It is hard to believe that ten years have passed since these people joined me for their first trip of a trot. Who would have guessed that ten years later we still have fond memories and even better friendships. I think the four and five hour training days - along with some pint sized brown beverages - may have been the culprit of this connection.

We did enjoy arriving at the Hotel Royal Astrid in Oostende and seeing the hallways lined with hospital beds, IV stands, and people who were obviously in need of 24 hour care. Our hotel it seemed was also an infirmary. Amazingly the next day we awoke to bare hallways and nary a patient to be found. Now where did they all go? It all happened in Absolut Oostende...
Lauren and Greg are hinting that I need to move. they both have sent me events in BC that require my attendance. Greg is telling me to get off - the road and try the Trek Series trail runs. They seem pretty tame for distance with the longest being 25 km, but they do have some wild names: Crazy Soles, Round the Mountain, Reiko's Hellish Half, Tears and Gears, and the Headbanger. How could you go wrong with those names?

Lauren is much more refined and has suggested the first annual Kelowna Wine Country Half Marathon. Now how could you go wrong with wine and racing? Remember my thesis: "You can't get drunk on wine while doing a marathon." Proven with experience. Granted this event is a half marathon so my study is really of no good for us...
If you are traveling out of the country and going through customs you may get this question:
Q: "Is the purpose of your visit business or pleasure?" A: "Neither. I'm running a marathon."
Thanks to the Friday funnies