Years of sweat are not supposed to end that way. Years of waking at the crack of dawn, shoe purchase after shoe purchase, check-backs, high-fives, blisters, chafing, and bloody nipples are not supposed to result in that finish line. Tears do happen at the finish line, pain is inevitable at the finish line, but nobody should have to suffer. It was a sad day for us trotters on Monday. One of our pure joys of putting on our shoes and doing the left-right repeat for hours on end to hit that finish line with hands held high in the air in sweet victory was interrupted by a non-trotter who just doesn't understand.
This act did affect some of our friends who didn't get the opportunity to finish on Monday, but it will not affect their resolve to cross that line again. We athletes are a resilient bunch who don't take kindly to being told we can't. We can, we will, and we will raise our hands once again! Just try to stop us!!!
Saturday one of our SAIT Cross Country runners has created a run in honour of those affected by Monday. His words: In wake of the events that have transpired in Boston, we need to remain strong as a community to show our support for those who are affected. The idea is to get as many people out for a run on Saturday April 20th at 11am in Edworthy Park. It doesn't matter if you run 1km or 40km's, a run is a run and the whole idea behind this event is to show support for those who were effected on this day by being one as a running community. Invite as many people as you can and I hope to see a whole bunch of people on the pathway Saturday. 4501 Montgomery View NW, Calgary Alberta is the address for Angel's and that is where the start point is.
I would like to propose to our group that we trot from Shouldice Pool Saturday at 9 am which will allow those of us that want to do this as well the opportunity to stroll over and participate in the 11 am second trot. See you at Shouldice Pool for 9 am!
I have had the pleasure of doing Boston twice, once in 2000 and again in 2004. I had two memorable occasions with some great people. It is hard to believe it has been nine years since I was last there. The opportunity to train and then win the opportunity to do this race is something I will never forget. I have had some great influence-rs that have helped me gain the pace and the experience to qualify for this event.
We have all seen the negative images this week of Boston, so I thought I would share some of the good. They are some of my fondest memories that I relish to this day...
Our running pal and Boston tour guide Ed, Maggie, Rochelle, Bill, me, Dave and Jill
check out where everyone knows our name |
adidas always had great motivational signage |
Runners, yeah we're different |
Better to have loved 26.2 miles of asphalt than to have never loved at all. |
When one finds another with the right shoes, one must stop to share in fashions' greatest sense.
At least they matched my hat! |
Imagine a million of these peeps along the route! |
"Legendary Hill seeks runners with nose-to-the-grindstone-stick-to-it-ness, legs of steel a plus."
Yep, Heartbreak Hill has claimed the best trotters over time. |
What we were lucky to achieve |
My horrible photography of Maggie and Bill at the finish line! |
Bill and Maggie after crossing the line in 2000 |
The volunteers are what it all about. Remember that volunteers are how we are able to achieve these memorable finish lines. Get out there and be THAT smile for someone else. |
The best way to cure athletes foot |
Johnny Kelley in 2000. He did the race 61 times winning twice |
Another adidas poster in honour of Johnny |
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