Thursday, 15 May 2014

An Espresso-n of love

Go Habs! Sorry Robbie and Carroll. Iggy will figure it out.

What a glorious situation when you walk around your garden and see small green shoots of life pushing up through the dirt that has been compressed by a winters blanket of snow. Sometimes I forget the bulbs that took hours to plan and plant. Now those days of kneeling over the ground and putting shovel to the earth are showing their gift of growth. Spring might just finally be here!

With good weather comes good opportunity to explore. So we shall do just that and smell the forest of Fish Creek from the Glennfield Meadows parking lot next to Macleod Trail. Shall we see you there at 9 am? We shall. If you can't make the trot because you are off to camp, travel, or otherwise please enjoy a fabulous first weekend of summer-ish. 

Once in a while you find some useful information on FaceBook. It is more rare that common but I saw something that really made me smile and want to regain an age category victory. Tell me you don't want to join Rose and Richelle for the first annual Espresso Run and win one of these:

the best trophy ever!
Speaking of Rose, her son Jake won first place in his age category at the Mother's Day Road Race last weekend. While not quite Jeremy Deere fast, he is shaping into a great little runner. And he still loves his dad.
Thank you to all that helped make the Mother's Day race a great day. Special thanks to the Rudiak's for all coming out to volunteer once again. Super special thanks to my lovely bride Joy for getting up at 4 am to help get the event ready for the 15,000 peeps!

Photograph by: Lorraine Hjalte, Calgary Herald

The last couple of weeks I have done my annual plea for donations to the Neonatal Intensive Care Units. with the support of many of you our Mother's Day Committee was able to raise over $12,000 for the cause which raised at least $200,000. I promised that those that supported my fundraising would be entered into a draw. I will be receiving my pledge incentive prizes on May 31 and will share at least a $250 gift card (we've up it for you!) to Chinook Centre with the lucky winner of my random draw. Entered in the draw are:

Christine, Charlene, Barb, Tamara, Peter, Big John, Susan, Anonymous (if they get drawn who gets it?), Joy, Marian, Ken, Carroll, Willie, and Donna. 

Should we have a barbeque to ensure a proper draw. I will email you all soon.

See you Saturday, and if things work out, tomorrow at the Espresso run!

thank you all for all you do.

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