Friday 20 April 2012

National High Five Day

Happy Friday! What a glorious day today. I am blessed to have a window seat to the world from my third floor in Heritage Hall. Soccer balls rolling on the pitch, trees sprouting new leaves, and a few new cranes dotting the downtown skyline. Doesn't get much better than this!
This week seems like a great week to climb stairs, 802 in fact. Tomorrow I will see you all at Eau Claire for the usual 8 am trot, but I will only travel 30 minutes with the group. I have a 9 am meeting for the Mother's Day Run and Walk  an event that I have participated in almost every year since the late 80's. Following that I hope to be climbing the steps of the Calgary tower at 10 am, early enough so I can make an 1130 am hockey game. I am tired just thinking about it! See many of you tomorrow.
All this activity has made me hungry and thirsty...I have a tasty habit!
My friend April always sends over some great stories. This week she shared a video of Frank who has a website called I had never heard of it before but it is apparently the most viewed website in the world without advertising. He talks about secrets and how people share some powerful thoughts with him through postcards. I was quite touched and wonder who YOU would share your secrets with? I have heard many secrets in the years of training the group, from the closet smokers to the 'secret' race goals (these secrets don't last long!) to impending childbirth to marital bliss or blahs.

We have many secrets that we sometimes share and sometimes just let store in our thoughts. One of the greatest joys I have (NOT more than wife Joy of course) is being able to share and support people in their secrets. I am truly blessed to have friends that trust their thoughts to me...
And for that I support - (albeit yesterday)

National High Five Day

It’s National High Five Day! Today is all about celebrating the high five and giving high fives to everyone you meet, including friends, classmates, coworkers, and strangers. You can even send a free virtual high five to faraway friends and family. A group of students at the University of Virginia declared the first National High Five Day in 2002. Today, people all across the country celebrate this unique holiday and help raise money for the National High Five Project.
Nobody knows who invented the high five. NBA player Derek Smith claimed that he created the high five while playing for the University of Louisville basketball team in 1979. According to another story, a man named Mont Sleets popularized the gesture. While Mont was growing up in Kentucky, his father's old army friends would greet each other by extending their arms straight up in the air and saying the name of their division: "Five." As a young boy, it was difficult for Mont to remember all of the names of his father's friends, so when he saw them he would just say "Hi, Five!" This childhood greeting stuck with him and he started to greet others with high fives. Want to know the trick for the perfect high five? Look at the other person's elbow as you are about to high five them. You’ll have a perfectly accurate high five every time. Happy National High Five Day!

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