Wednesday 23 November 2011

Brrr, what is your excuse?

Yep, it arrived, first in Edmonton with a dump of snow and from what I hear some cold wind at -24C. Then we found this same wind and snow starting inconveniently at the start of last night’s training in Mission. Yep, winter running is here and we can’t avoid it! This weather also brings with it some of my favourite excuses. So today I have homework for the 300 or so of you that read (or delete) my weekly yada-yada. What is your best excuse for not ‘getting out there’?

I will share (without publishing the author) with you all next week. My personal favourite: “I threw my back out ironing my dress shirt”. Yep, true it was, but it wasn’t me. I rarely push aside the peer pressure and avoid running. Joy didn’t see this within our marriage vows and curses the cold mornings that I make her ‘share’ in the experience. That is love my friends, love that is…

This week is the big one for our friends off to Hawaii and the Honolulu marathon. Great, the last long training day for Jen, Stephanie, Leslie, Carrie, Linda, Minako, Rebecca, Marvin, and of course Ron. Only three weeks until your big day! Remember (not misspelled like last week) that your full experience of training will give you results in Honolulu. If this weekend does not go as planned due to weather you still have the other few months of training that will carry you to 42.2 (ish).

For those trotting the trails in Calgary tomorrow, we will meet at Eau Claire for 9 am. Jen will be running much earlier with her husband if there are any friends that wish to start MUCH earlier…see you all tomorrow.

Tomorrow also marks a fine day for many of our fellow trotters. Two of our Prague Half Marathon victim…err, trainees are hosting a singles auction. Joy has already called dibs on Travis and Tim. Should I be worried? There are also lots of auction items that don’t require awkward silence and worrying about first base, if you know what I mean ;-)

Check out these brave singles -

Discount alert! Discount alert! Our friends at Strides Running are hosting their sixth annual (it’s been that long?) Friends and Family night on Tuesday November 22nd. Check out or email and she can let you know the goods. For those of you out of Calgary I would bug her about shipping…just sayin’. See attachment for the details.

While you know I have a strong connection to the Arthritis Society, I do like to support some good friends and their own personal challenges. Our friend (and of course JIM alumna) Young-Mi is growing a beard for the month of Movember. Having spent a week in Athens with her I am not sure how she will pull this off. Perhaps more Ouzo shots??? I think that creates the hair of the dog though…

As most of you know, cancer has affected my family - first in 1995 when my Mother passed away from Ovarian Cancer.  Then, in 2001, my Grandmother passed away after a short but brave battle with jaw cancer. Several years ago, I was fortunate enough to work for a company that raised money for cancer research. Recently, I have been involved as a committee member with Ovarian Cancer Canada (Calgary) in promoting awareness and helping with their fundraising.

This year, I've decided to join my co-workers (who are all male) and join the team Sufferin Succa-Stache! for Movember, the month formerly known as November, which is dedicated to growing moustaches and raising awareness and funds for men's health issues; specifically prostate cancer. To show my support for the men in my life, I have signed up as a Mo Sista.  It's clear (well, let's HOPE it's clear) that I may not be able to grow a 'stache, but I can still do my part in helping to raise some money for the team! 

Did you know?
*On average men live 4-5 years less than women
*1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime
* 25,500 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year in Canada

I invite you to support me by donating to me You can even go old school and write a cheque payable to "Movember Canada", reference my name and Registration Number 2551046 and send it to:
Movember Canada, 119 Spadina Avenue, PO Box 65, Toronto, ON M5T 2T2

If you'd like to find out more about the type of work you'd be helping to fund by supporting Movember, take a look at the Programs We Fund section on the Movember website:

Thank you in advance for supporting my efforts to change the face of men's health. All donations are tax deductible.

That is it from me…happy training!

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